What is Medical Ethics Training?
Healthcare professionals are required to make difficult decisions every day as part of their jobs. For each situation that arises, they must strike a balance between:
- Providing effective care for the patients
- Doing what is best for a particular patient and for society
- Allowing a patient to have a voice in treatment options
To help guide them when making difficult decisions, healthcare professionals rely on a set of principles known as medical ethics. Medical ethics provides information about the standards of acceptable behavior that serve as the foundation for medical care.
A wide range of medical ethics topics are discussed in this training such as patient confidentiality, informed consent, surrogate decision making, disclosing medical errors, medical research, beginning and end-of-life issues, etc. Case studies are also provided to apply principles learned to real world situations.
Who Needs to Comply With Medical Ethics?
Does your organization have a medical ethics compliance program?
Healthcare facilities and medical research organizations should put in place a medical ethics compliance program to ensure that workers are informed about the medical ethics dilemmas they will face daily and how to address them properly.
Adhering to industry accepted medical ethical standards and guidelines will result in successful patient interaction, improved outcomes, proper legal compliance, minimized financial losses, and reduction of any potential disputes or litigation.
Medical ethics should be integrated into the daily process of all those working in healthcare including:
- Medical offices and clinics
- Hospitals
- Doctors and nurses
- Medical students
- Healthcare administration
- Medical ethics committees
- Pharmacies
- Institutional Research Boards (IRBs)
- Medical laboratories
- Medical research
- Nursing homes
- Skilled nursing facilities
- Healthcare professionals/workers
How It Works

- Register for the individual training
- Login as your convenience 24x7
- Take the training and pass the final exam
- You receive a pdf certificate immediately upon passing the final exam
- Register for the Organizational Training
- Login to your administration account and copy the template instructions provided
- Email template instructions to your staff
- Sit back and the certificates for everyone will be emailed to you as they complete their training
Why Choose Us?

We are the leader in user friendly medical ethics training and compliance and our mission is to make medical ethics compliance fast, easy, and painless. We've done all the hard work so you don't have to.
We hope you'll give us a try and in return we promise exceptional training and compliance products at an affordable price and to treat each of our customers with the utmost care and raving support.
Raving support
Training that is user friendly and easy to understand
Nationally recognized certificate
Individual & organizational training available
Spanish version included at no charge
Cumulative group discounts available
We offer phone support and not just email
Unique zero administration system for groups
Works on PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones, Android Tablets, Android Phones,and more
Complete your training online on any device, anywhere,anytime 24 x 7.